What We Do...
In high school athletic competition, the idea of victory with honor still carries meaning. And it is the ideal that drives everything we do. We strengthen the integrity of students and adults across the state by promoting sportsmanship, honesty and quality academics. That means fostering the highest principles of character – trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship.
- 2nd largest section in the State
- 26 Leagues
- 198 Schools
- Covering more than 14,500 square miles of California
- Reaching 225,000 students
- Awarded more than $500,000 of scholarships to student-athletes
- The CIF governs interscholastic athletics, promoting equity, quality, character and academic development.
- Equity – Equal opportunity without regard to race, gender, and ethnicity within all aspects of the athletic program for students, personnel, schools and governance.
- Quality – Training, education and commitment of coaches, officials, administrators and parents to improve the quality of athletic programs.
- Character – Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship.
- Academic Development – Commitment to encourage academic growth is a high priority.
The Sac-Joaquin Section is a NON-PROFIT California corporation owned and operated by its member schools. The Sac-Joaquin Section does not receive any direct financial support from the State or Federal Government (taxes, lottery, etc.). Championship events generate 75% of the Sac-Joaquin Section’s operating revenue. Dues paid by the Sac-Joaquin Section member schools account for 13% of the Sac-Joaquin Section’s annual budget. Marketing sponsorships generate the other 12%.